Fuel has four constants in the global namespace to direct you to important directories. Fuel uses them internally to locate classes and other files. These constants are set in public/index.php.
Note: When you move any of fuel's prime folders (app, core, public, packages) be sure to update your index.php to direct fuel to the right paths.
Key | Description |
APPPATH | Path to the application directory (/path/to/fuel/app). This is where your application directories and code reside. |
COREPATH | Path to the core directory (/path/to/fuel/core). This is where all the Fuel classes live. |
DOCROOT | Path to the location where the 'startup script' is. For your web application, path to the public directory (/path/to/public). This is where index.php resides. Everything accessible to user lives and is accessible via the browser. For oil command, path to where oil command resides. |
PKGPATH | Path to the packages directory (/path/to/fuel/packages). This is where your packages are installed (when installed through oil). |
VENDORPATH | Path to the composer root directory (/path/to/fuel/vendor). This is where your composer installs the libraries downloaded from |
Note: When you use the Oil package, you have to make the same changes in the 'oil' file in the docroot of your website.
Note: When you want to run unit tests, you have to make the same changes in the 'phpunit.xml' file in the fuelphp core folder.