Str Class

The Str class is a set of methods to help with the manipulation of strings.

The class also contains multibyte agnostic versions of PHP's multibyte-aware functions in category 2, as defined on this page. They are drop-in replacements for both versions. For example, you can replace both strlen() and mb_strlen() with Str::strlen(), which will return a multi-byte aware result based on whether or not PHP's mbstring extension is loaded.

The php.ini setting mbstring.func_overload is not supported by FuelPHP. The framework refuses to start when it is set!

increment($str, $first = 1)

The increment method allows you to append a number to the end of a string or increment that number if it already exists.

Static Yes
Param Default Description
$string required The string to increment.
The first number to increment with.
Returns string
$string = "filename";
Str::increment($string); // returns filename_1

$string = "filename_1";
Str::increment($string); // returns filename_2

$string = "filename";
Str::increment($string, 3); // returns filename_3

random($type = 'alnum', $length = 8)

The random method generates a random string based on the type given.

Static Yes
Param Default Description
$type alnum The type of string to generate. Your choices are alnum, numeric, nozero, alpha, distinct, hexdec, unique, sha1 and uuid.
The number of characters you would like the final string to be (unique, sha1 and uuid ignore this parameter).
Returns string
// alnum (uppercase and lowercase letters mixed with numbers)
Str::random('alnum', 16);
// Returns: SvZi9Dh3lq7zQYim

// numeric (just numbers)
Str::random('numeric', 16);
// Returns: 1045343964672481

// nozero (just numbers excluding zero)
Str::random('nozero', 16);
// Returns: 3244623373994515

// alpha (just uppercase and lowercase letters)
Str::random('alpha', 16);
// Returns: LuVAXbmxQbbWoYqz

// distinct (uppercase letters and numbers that cannot be confused)
Str::random('distinct', 16);
// Returns: R79MPKMH4KTRN35J

// hexdec (hexadecimal characters a-f, 0-9)
Str::random('hexdec', 16);
// Returns: 09c34e42f36547f8

// unique (32 character string based on md5)
// Returns: ed4bb844a35b7a4edb7eed0d3795d328

// sha1 (40 character string based on sha1)
// Returns: af5c5a8cc3be9a3180205c1ed2975015cd6cf1e7

// uuid (version 4 - random)
// Returns: f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479

truncate($string, $limit, $continuation = '...', $is_html = false)

The truncate method allows you to limit characters and provide a continuation string without breaking html.

Static Yes
Param Default Description
$string required The string to truncate.
$limit required The number of characters to allow in the string.
The string to append to the end of the truncated string.
If the string contains html. Setting this as true will make the method not break html.
Returns string
$string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
Str::truncate($string, 15); // returns Lorem ipsum dol...

$string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
Str::truncate($string, 15, '...Read More'); // returns Lorem ipsum dol...Read More


Returns a closure that will alternate the values you've passed to this method as arguments, unless you call the closure with false as argument - in which case it will just return the value without moving to the next and return the same value on the next call.

Static Yes
Param Default Description
*$args required As many arguments as you need to alternate
Returns Closure
$alt = Str::alternator('one', 'two', 'three', 'four');
echo $alt(); // outputs 'one'
echo $alt(); // outputs 'two'
echo $alt(false); // outputs 'three', but doens't move to the next as you can see in the next call
echo $alt(); // outputs 'three'
echo $alt(); // outputs 'four'
echo $alt(); // outputs 'one'
// etc...

tr($string, $array = array())

The tr method parse the params from given string using PHP's strtr().

Static Yes
Param Type Default Description
$string string Required The input string.
$array array
params to str_replace.
Returns string
Str::tr('Hello :name', array('name' => 'World')); // returns 'Hello World'


The is_json method check if a string is json encoded.

Static Yes
Param Type Default Description
$string string Required The input string.
Returns bool
Str::is_json('{"0":"An","encoded":["string"]}'); // returns true


The is_serialized method check if a string is serialized.

Static Yes
Param Type Default Description
$string string Required The input string.
Returns bool
// returns true


The is_html method check if a string is html.

Static Yes
Param Type Default Description
$string string Required The input string.
Returns bool
Str::is_html('Lorem ipsum <b>dolor sit amet</b>, consectetur <u>adipiscing</u> elit.');
// returns true


The is_xml method check if a string is a valid xml. Requires the libxml extension.

Static Yes
Param Type Default Description
$string string Required The input string.
Returns bool
Str::is_xml('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xml><foo>bar</foo></xml>');
// returns true

starts_with($str, $start, $ignore_case = false)

The starts_with method checks whether a string has a precific beginning.

Static Yes
Param Default Description
$str required The string to check.
$start required The beginning to check for.
Whether to ignore the case.
Returns bool
$string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";

Str::starts_with($string, 'Lorem'); // returns true
Str::starts_with($string, 'lorem'); // returns false
Str::starts_with($string, 'lorem', true); // returns true

ends_with($str, $end, $ignore_case = false)

The ends_with method checks whether or not a string has a precific ending.

Static Yes
Param Default Description
$str required The string to check.
$end required The ending to check for.
Whether to ignore the case.
Returns bool
$string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";

Str::ends_with($string, 'amet'); // returns true
Str::ends_with($string, 'Amet'); // returns false
Str::ends_with($string, 'Amet', true); // returns true