Coding Standards

These standards for code formatting and documentation must be followed by anyone contributing to Fuel. Any contributions that do not meet these guidelines will not be accepted.

File Formatting

Closing PHP Tag

Files containing only PHP code should always omit the closing PHP tag (?>). This prevents many of the elusive white screens of death.


All indentation should be done using real tabs, NOT spaces.
But aligning things after the indentation should be done using spaces, NOT tabs.

		// indented 2 tabs
		$var       = 'something';  // indented with tabs and aligned value & comments
		$variable  = 'else';       // with those above/below using spaces
Line Endings

Line endings should be Unix-style LF.

File Naming

All file names must be all lower case. No exceptions.


Files should be saved with UTF-8 encoding and the BOM should not be used.

Naming Conventions


All core classes must be under the Fuel\Core namespace.

namespace Fuel\Core;

Class names should use underscores to separate words, and each word in the class name should begin with a capital letter. The use of camelcase is discouraged but cannot be prevented in some cases when putting the class in a subdirectory makes absolutely no sense. If possible, this should be avoided.

namespace Fuel\Core;

class Session

namespace Fuel\Core;

class Session_Cookie extends Session_Driver


Every class should be defined into its own file. Any underscores in the class name will be converted to a directory separator during autoloading, so this must be reflected in the name and location of the class file. For the classes above, their names wouldresult in the following file path:


Like class names, method names should use underscores to separate words, not CamelCase. Method names should also be all lower case. Visibility should always be included (public, protected, private).
An underscore can be used at the beginning of the name to make it clear the method is protected/private or to signify it should be considered as such when you need it public.

class Session

	public static function get_flash($name, $data)
		// Some code here

class View

	// Array of global view data
	protected static $_global_data = array();

	protected static function capture($view_filename, array $view_data)
		// Some code here


Variable names should be concise and contain only lower case letters and underscores. Loop iterators should be short, preferably a single character.

for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++)

Except for the PHP global system constant that doesn't have a Fuel wrapper (for example $_ENV), global variables should never been used. If you have a legitemate use for such a constant, please inform the team so a wrapper can be created to allow consistent and immutable access to that constant.
Use of the keyword global to create or import global variables into a local variable scope is explicitly forbidden!


Constants follow the same guide lines as variables with the exception that constants should be all upper case.


The use of global constants is discouraged and should be kept to an absolute minimum. If you need one, be prepend to defend your use case before the Fuel team will accept your proposal!. Where possible, use class constants to make their scope, usage and meaning clear.


Keywords such as true, false, null, as, etc should be all lower case, as upper case is reserved for constants. Same goes for primitive types like array, integer, string.

$var = true;
$var = false;
$var = null;
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
public function my_function(array $array)
function my_function($arg = null)

Type casting

The use of type casting is discouraged. PHP is a weakly typed language with at times very vague type conversion rules. They may cause unintended behaviour, which may introduce very hard to find bugs. Instead, do a content check before you convert to make sure the variable contains an expected value.

Control Structures

The structure keywords such as if, for, foreach, while, switch should be followed by a space as should parameter/argument lists and values. Braces should be placed on a new line, and break should have the same tab as its case.

if ($arg === true)
	//do something here
elseif ($arg === null)
	//do something else here
	//catch all do something here

foreach ($array as $key => $value)
	//loop here

for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++)
	//loop here

while ($i < $max)
	//loop here

	//loop here
while ($i < $max)

switch ($var)
	case 'value1':
		//do something here
	default :
		//do something here
Alternative if statements

In some cases, a full if statement is a bit too much code for a simple conditional assignment or function call. In those cases, you can use PHP's execution logic to use a shorter boolean-operator based syntax. Using and means the second part only gets evaluated if the first part were true, using or means the second part only gets executed if the first part were false.
Don't use this when both if and else are needed, just in cases like single conditional statements.

// instead of if (isset($var)) { Config::set('var', $var); }
isset($var) and Config::set('var', $var);

// instead of if ( ! isset($var)) { $var = Config::get('var'); }
isset($var) or $var = Config::get('var');

Uri::segment(3) and $var = Uri::segment(3);
Uri::segment(3) or $var = 'default';

// This is better:
if (Uri::segment(3))
	$var = Uri::segment(3);
	$var = 'default';

// Or this:
$var = Uri::segment(3) ? Uri::segment(3) : 'default';

// Or even better, this:
$var = Uri::segment(3) ?: 'default';

Comparisons, Logical operators

Comparing function/method returns and variables should be type aware, for example some functions may return false, and when comparing this return the type sensitive operators such as === or !==. Additionally, use of and or or is preferred over && or || for readability. In some cases, this cannot be avoided and the use of && or || as it's required may be used. The ! should have spaces on both sides when used.

if ($var == false and $other_var != 'some_value')
if ($var === false or my_function() !== false)
if ( ! $var)
Class/Interface Declarations

Class/interface declarations have the opening brace on the following line:

class Session


In case the class is empty, braces will be on the same line as the definition:

class Empty_Class { }
Function/Method/Closure Declarations

The function/method/closure opening brace must always begin on a new line and have the same indentation as its structure.

class Session

	public static function get_flash($name, $data)
		$closure = function($a, $b)
			// Your closure code here


When initializing variables, one variable should be declared per line. To enhance code readability, these should each be on a separate line. Align values and comments when appropriate.

$var        = ''; // do each on its own line
$other_var  = ''; // do each on its own line
Brackets and Parenthesis

No space should come before or after the initial bracket/parenthesis. There should not be a space before closing bracket/parenthesis.

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
$array['my_index'] = 'something';
for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++)
String quotation

Single quotes are preferred over double quotes. It prevents unwanted or unintended expansion of variables and control characters.


String concatenation should not contain spaces around the joined parts.

$string = 'my string '.$var.' the rest of my string';

$string = 'my string ' . $var . ' the rest of my string';
$var = 'something';
if ($var == 'something') //space before and after logical operator
$var = $some_var + $other_var; //space before and after math operator
$var++; // no space before increment
++$var; //no space after increment
Array dot-notation

Although strictly speaking it's not a coding standard, it's used a lot within the frameworks classes and this documentation, and since it's not a common PHP notation, it might confuse people new to the framework.

// when you see "always_load.packages = array()", it is shorthand for:
array("always_load" => array("packages" => array(...) ) );

This notation is used by the Arr class, but also the Lang, Config and Session classes, to quickly access individual elements from a multi-dimensional array.

// when you have an array structure like this
$array = array(
    "always_load" => array(
        "packages" => array(
            "package" => "/my/special/package.php",

// then this will return "/my/special/package.php":
$path = Arr::get($array, 'always_load.packages.package');