Template Controller

What is a template controller?

A Template Controller is an extension of the Base Controller which has template support built in using some pre-defined before() and after() methods. Basically it can be used to wrap your view in a layout with a header, footer, sidebar, etc.

Using the template controller

Like all Controllers you create a class in the fuel/app/classes/controller directory. They need to extend the Controller_Template class and are prefixed by default by "Controller_". Below is an example of the controller "example":

Please note: by default, all methods of a class that extends Controller_Template will use the template.
However, it is possible to omit methods from the template.

class Controller_Example extends Controller_Template
	public function action_index()
		$data = array();
		$this->template->title = 'Example Page';
		$this->template->content = View::forge('test/index', $data);

Using the template controller with before() and/or after()

Please note: if you have a before() method in your template controller extension you must add parent::before(); to that method or the $this->template will not be available. Make after() compatible with that of the Controller_Template: use after($response) instead of just after().

class Controller_Example extends Controller_Template
	 * Your before method
	public function before()
		parent::before(); // Without this line, templating won't work!

		// do stuff

	 * Make after() compatible with Controller_Template by adding $response as a parameter
	public function after($response)
		$response = parent::after($response); // not needed if you create your own response object

		// do stuff

		return $response; // make sure after() returns the response object

	public function action_index()
		$data = array();
		$this->template->title = 'Example Page';
		$this->template->content = View::forge('test/index', $data);

Example template

The template file is a great place to call up your JS, CSS, etc, structure your HTML and call view partials. It allows you to give your output structure. It is just a view file, by default the Template Controller will look here: fuel/app/views/template.php.

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>

	<?php echo Asset::css('main.css'); ?>
	<div id="wrapper">
		<h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1>

		<div id="content">
			<?php echo $content; ?>

Changing the default template file

You can easily change the default APPPATH/views/template.php file to something different.
You must set the public variable $template (note: you don't need .php extension here) to something different, example:

class Controller_Example extends Controller_Template

	public $template = 'template_admin';

	public function action_index()
		$this->template->title = 'Example Page';
		$this->template->content = View::forge('test/index', $data);

Omit methods from the Template Controller

By default, all methods of a class that extends Controller_Template will use the template.
If you want to omit methods from the template, you can do this by returning something else in a Response object. That will overwrite the default template output.

class Controller_Example extends Controller_Template
	public $template = 'template_admin';

	public function action_index()
		$this->template->title   = 'Example Page';
		$this->template->content = View::forge('test/index', $data);

		// this will show content in template

	public function action_example()
		$data['title']   = "Example Page";
		$data['content'] = "Don't show me in the template";

		// returned Response object takes precedence and will show content without template
		return new Response(View::forge('index/test', $data));