
Fuel's routing can range from simple static routes to advanced routes using HTTP verb based routing.

Routes are set in fuel/app/config/routes.php.

Reserved Routes

In Fuel there are 4 reserved routes. They are _root_, _403_, _404_ and _500_.

The request class throws an HttpNotFoundException when you request a URI (a route) that your application can't resolve.

If no _404_ route is defined, the framework uses it's own error handler to display a "page not found" message. If no _403_ or _500_ route is defined, these exceptions remain uncaught, and are handled like any other exception your application might throw.

return array(
    '_root_'  => 'welcome/index',
    '_404_'   => 'welcome/404',

Basic Routing

The route on the left is compared to the request URI. If a match is found, the request is routed to the URI on the right.

This allows you to do things like the following:

return array(
    'about'   => 'site/about',
    'contact' => 'contact/form',
    'admin'   => 'admin/login',

Slightly Advanced Routing

You can include any regex into your routes. The left side is matched against the requests URI, and the right side is the replacement for the left, so you can use backreferences in the right side from the regex on the left. There are also a few special statements that allow you match anything or just a segment:

Here are some examples. Notice the subtle differences between :any and :everything:

return array(
    'blog/(:any)'       => 'blog/entry/$1', // Routes /blog/entry_name to /blog/entry/entry_name
                                            //   matches /blog/, does not match /blogging and /blog
    'blog(:any)'        => 'blog/entry$1',  // Routes /blog/entry_name to /blog/entry/entry_name
                                            //   matches /blog/ and /blogging, does not match /blog
    'blog(:everything)' => 'blog/entry$1',  // Routes /blog/entry_name to /blog/entry/entry_name
                                            //   matches /blog/, /blogging and /blog
    '(:segment)/about'  => 'site/about/$1', // Routes /en/about to /site/about/en
    '(\d{2})/about'     => 'site/about/$1', // Routes /12/about to /site/about/12

Note that you need to disable "routing.strip_extensions" in your application config when you want to use ":decimal", as by default everthing after a dot will be seen as extension and stripped. This is not an issue when you use a decimal comma.

Advanced Routing

You can also have named parameters in your routes. This allows you to give your URI segments names which can then be accessed from within your actions.


return array(
    'blog/:year/:month/:id' => 'blog/entry', // Routes /blog/2010/11/entry_name to /blog/entry

In the above example it would catch the following /blog/2010/11/entry_name. It would then route that request to your 'entry' action in your 'blog' controller. There, the named params will be available like this:


Note that as a named parameter is a regex, every named parameter counts as a backreference. So in a route like ':name/(\d{2})', the backreference for your two-digit segment is $2, not $1!

HTTP verb based routing

You can route your URLs to controllers and actions based on the HTTP verb used to call them. This makes it quick and easy to make RESTful controllers.


return array(
    // Routes GET /blog to /blog/all and POST /blog to /blog/create
    'blog' => array(array('GET', new Route('blog/all')), array('POST', new Route('blog/create'))),

You can use named parameters and regexes within your URL just like normal:

return array(
    'blog/(:any)' => array(array('GET', new Route('blog/show/$1'))),

You can also specify if this route is supported for only http, or only https, by passing false or true as third parameter:

// route only valid if this is an https request
return array(
    'blog/(:any)' => array(array('GET', new Route('blog/show/$1'), true)),

Named routes and reverse routing

The idea of reversed routing is like this: say you got an admin area and you have a route setup for it. In your views, you would like to that admin area using an HTML anchor that links to for example 'admin/start/overview'. Now you decide to move stuff around and end up moving that specific page to 'admin/overview'. As a result of this now you need to update the links in all your views...

When using reverse routing with these name routes you can link an anchor to a named route, so that when the route changes, the links in your views will automatically follow the change

Example route:

return array(
    'admin/start/overview' => array('admin/overview', 'name' => 'admin_overview'), // add a named route for the admin/overview page

Example anchor:

// produces <a href="http://your_base_url/admin/start/overview">Overview</a>
echo Html::anchor(Router::get('admin_overview'), 'Overview');

Note that this currently only works for routes that are defined in app/config/routes.php, not for module routes.

Inline routes

A route does not have to resolve to a controller method. FuelPHP also supports inline routes, which are defined as a Closure that replaces the controller method. Like controller methods, inline routes MUST return a Response object, either by forging one manually, or as the result of executing a forged Request.

Example route:

return array(
    'secret/mystuff' => function () {
		// this route only works in development
		if (\Fuel::$env == \Fuel::DEVELOPMENT)
			return \Request::forge('secret/mystuff/keepout', false)->execute();
			throw new HttpNotFoundException('This page is only accessable in development.');

Route recursion

By default, the requested URI is processed by the routing engine only once. Using the configuration key 'routing.recursive', you can enable recursive route lookups.

This means that when a given URI resolves to a defined route, but this route doesn't resolve to a valid controller action, the resulting route is reprocessed. This allows you to define aliases or redirects:

return array(
	// default routes
	'_root_'       => 'homepage/index',

	// alias in another language
	'un/:slug'       => 'one/$1',
	'deux/:slug'     => 'two/$1',
	'trois/:slug'    => 'three/$1',

	// redirect old uri's
	'old/uri/:slug'  => 'controller/new/$1',

	// site routes
	'one/:slug'      => 'controller/one/$1',
	'two/:slug'      => 'controller/two/$1',
	'three/:slug'    => 'controller/three/$1',

Modules & Routing

Read about how modules handle routing.