
Orm is short for Object Relational Mapper which does 2 things: it maps your database table rows to objects and it allows you to establish relations between those objects.
It follows the Active Record Pattern closely, but was also influenced by other systems.


Unlike many other ActiveRecord implementations, ours is small, fast and dead simple to use. It attempts to make creating, updating and deleting items from your database as easy as possible. It does this by doing all the hard work for you.

A word of warning

Contrary to popular belief, an ORM model is not the same a an application model. ORM models map directly to a single record (the Active Active Record Pattern), where as application model classes contain your business logic, and may (or may not) use the ORM to access the data in the configured storage backend.

Although it is possible, and perfectly fine in most cases, to use the ORM directly in your controllers, it is strongly advised not to do so, but seperate your controller logic from your business logic, which makes it a lot easier to make changes to that logic without having to search through all your controllers and other classes to make sure the changes have no side effect. Prime examples are for example changes in database relations, adding or removing columns, and or changing the meaning or contents of a column.

The most common way to seperate the two types of model is to put them into different namespaces in your application, so you have no name collisions and you can not accidentially mix up the two.


The Orm package is included in the Fuel download. All you need to do is enable it in your config.

'always_load' => array(
	'packages' => array(


There are a few features or behaviours in the ORM that are configurable:

Param Type Default Description
caching bool
By default, the ORM caches all hydrated objects, so that when you request the same object a second time, you get the cached (and potentially modified!) object, and not a new object for the same record (which can lead to data inconsistency).
You can override whatever default you set on a per-query basis if needed using the caching() method.
relation_lazy_load bool
When set to true, an isset() or empty() check on an object relation will always return true, whether or not the related records are fetched. When the actual related records are accessed, they will be "lazy loaded" with an additional query.
sql_max_timestamp_mysql string
'2038-01-18 22:14:08'
sql_max_timestamp_unix integer
Used to set the upper limit for the timestamp in the Temporal model<.strong>, if no limit is given.

Lazy loading of relations was default behavior in the ORM prior to version 1.9. If you have an application that relies on this, do not forget to enable this feature in the config when you upgrade your application to this or a later version!

Object Caching

By default, the ORM implements object caching, to ensure data consistency. Consider the following example:

// fetch a customer record from the client table by its id key
$customer = Model_Clients::find($id);

// give the user a minumum discount of 10%
if ($customer->discount < 10)
	$customer->discount = 10;

// fetch the same customer record
$client = Model_Client($id);

// print the clients discount
echo $client->discount;

If you would have used standard database queries, you would expect the printout to show the value of "discount" as it is stored in the table record for this customer. With the ORM, thanks to object caching, this is not the case. Both queries return the same object (by reference), so the change to $customer will be reflected in $client. If you would var_dump() both variables, you will see that they are identical, with the same object #id.

You can disable the retrieval from cache for a subsequent query using:

// fetch a customer record from the client table by its id key
$customer = Model_Clients::find($id);

// fetch as a new object using array notation
$client1 = Model_Client($id, array('from_cache' => false));

// fetch as a new object using chaining
$client2 = Model_Client::query()->from_cache(false)->where('id', '=', $id)->get_one();

If you would dump these three variables, you will see that the objects will have unique #id's, and modifying one will not change the other. You can also enable this behaviour globally, so ORM results will never be cached. You need this for example in tasks, for batch operations. You wouldn't want to store thousands of objects in memory!

// globally disable the ORM object cache

If you have disabled the caching globally, you can enable it on a per-query basis:

// fetch a customer record from the client table by its id key
$customer = Model_Clients::find($id);

// fetch as a new object using array notation
$client1 = Model_Client($id, array('from_cache' => true));

// fetch as a new object using chaining
$client2 = Model_Client::query()->from_cache(true)->where('id', '=', $id)->get_one();

And finally, if you really know you are not going to need or use ORM object caching, you can also create an orm.php configuration file in your application config directory, and add:

return array(
    // global query settings
    'caching' => true,

Under specific circumstances, you may need to flush the complete ORM cache, or part of it. For example it you run a batch processor or queue worker, to run background tasks. Since it always runs, it will always re-use it's cache, which can lead to cached values being reused while the database has been altered in the meantime. To flush, use:

// flush the complete ORM cache

// flush the cache for a specific model

// or by class name


Some common problems and frequent questions.

My relations/foreign keys aren't being saved (1)

This happens most often when you're using the wrong type of relationship. Especially Has-one and Belongs-to tend to get mixed up. Reread the examples in the docs to make sure you're using the correct relation types and check if everything is configured correctly.

I can't relate objects (2)

Make sure your model is extending Orm\Model and not Model_Crud.

I get an exception that my related model in a package/module can't be found

Make sure the package or module is loaded by Fuel, otherwise the Autoloader won't be able to find the class.
And when configuring the related model "model_to" make sure you configure the full classname, this includes the namespace even if you're in that namespace. Classnames in strings are always taken from global context, no matter the current namespace context.

I get an Orm\FrozenObject exception

Objects can't be edited while being saved to the database, that prevents circular saving and resaving already saved objects. This shouldn't happen during normal usage and is most often caused by faulty configuration of relations.
Sometimes this can be caused by a bug, especially when you're not using a stable release.

I have defined a limit and offset, but the results are not correct

The ORM always makes sure that query results are consistent. If you run a query that contains related models, a subquery will be generated to make sure the entire related resultset is fetched. Even if this means more records then the limit you have set will be fetched. This is because once you start manipulating incomplete resultsets, very bad things might happen to your related models.

If you are absolutely sure you are not going to manipulate the results, for example because you need them for pagination only, you can use rows_limit() and rows_offset() instead, which will force them on the entire query.

My query result doesn't reflect the record values in the database

Familiarize yourself with ORM object caching, see the explanation given above.