Observers: Creating your own
You can add any class as an observer by adding the full classname (namespace included) to the Observers property of your model. There's 2 ways of creating classes that can be used as observers:
Extend the Orm\Observer class
Create a new class that extends Orm\Observer and create methods for the events upon which you want your Observer to act. In the example below you want it to act upon after_insert. The method will be passed the Model instance it is acting upon.
class Observer_Something extends Orm\Observer
public function after_insert(Orm\Model $model)
\Log::info('Succesfully created new object of class '.get_class($model));
Extensions of the type Orm\Observer are singletons by default, as such you can't use a method instance() or property $_instance or it won't work anymore. Because of this methods may be both static or non-static.
Have an orm_notify() method
When you extend the Orm\Observer class it inherits an orm_notify() method that will check if there's a method that matches the event and call it when possible. But you can use any class as an observer as long as it has an orm_notify() method. That will be called on events and be passed the event name and a Model instance.
class Some_Other_Class
// it may have many methods and properties before or after the orm_notify method
public static function orm_notify(Orm\Model $model, $event)
\Log::info('I was notified of the event '.$event.' on a Model of class '.get_class($model));
Event names
- after_create, called by the __construct() method once the object was created
- after_load, called by the __construct() method once an object was loaded from the database
- before_save, called by the save() method before anything is done
- after_save, called by the save() method after it has completed
- before_insert, called when an object is first saved to the database
- after_insert, called after an object is first saved to the database
- before_update, called when an object is saved to the database (except for the first time)
- after_update, called after an object is saved to the database (except for the first time)
- before_delete, called when you delete an object from the database
- after_delete, called after you delete an object from the database
- after_clone, called after an object was successfully cloned
before_insert and before_update are triggered only if the object has been changed. If you need to trigger an event even if the object has not been changed (ex.: to handle $_FILES datas), you should use before_save.