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Oil won't detect migration version
  • Hi, i have a setup where we have made an internal cms with fuel using mix of module etc. For each new project i usualy just copy the previus project, clean up the folders and star developing the new project, due to the fact the cms is always evolving during projects.

    The issue is that when running migrations after changing db config for auth package, oil returns that app is on the newest migration. Found out that migrations create a file in APP_PATH/config/migrations.php, where it stores some info. I have tried deleting the file and running the migrations again but it wont work.
    Is there some other file where fuel keeps app migration version?

    Last project, i just copied the auth migrations to APP_PATH/migrations/ and changed DB entries alter
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Migrations are tracked in two ways:
    - the migrations.php config file
    - the migrations table

    The table always reflect the current state of your migrations, the config file can be used to control which migrations should run on deployment using the --current commandline switch.

    So say your table is empty (= at migration 0), there are 10 migrations defined, and the config file lists 8, then using --current will run 1-8, --all will run 1-10.

    In your situation, since you ran migrations once, which has synced the table and the config file. So the next time you run it, even if you have deleted the cofig file, the table contents will block them from running.

    So be careful what you exactly distribute, because essentially you're distributing state.
  • Ok, thanks. :)

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