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Page rendering Time vs server wait time
  • Hello, I'm new to fuelphp and like very much how it is organized. I'm pretty playng to make a base controller that calls via hmvc other modules (for now only one simple query and session started in the base controller).

    On my remote server however I've noticed a discrepancy between the page rendered time showed in the main app and the total page load time (with webpagetest or pingdom).

    For example if the page shows: © Copyright 2014 My Website
    Page rendered in 0.061s using 1.688mb of memory.

    Webpagetest on the nearest country shows 350ms load time. Is this normal or something happens in the framework after page rendered and sent to the browser?
  • philipptempelphilipptempel
    Accepted Answer
    The time shown at the bottom of your page is basically PHP's processing and rendering time. It does not include the time delay you're experiencing because of your internet connection. Any load times gathered from e.g. FireBug or Firefox' or Chrome's console start the timer the very millisecond you hit a link until the connection is closed by the remote sever i.e. until the page is fully transferred to your computer.

    This leads to the discrepancy you are seeing.

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