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My CSS and Java-Script files not loading
  • I'm use fuelphp 1.7.2 and my question is, I have windows IIS and I need hide the index.php from the url
    To do this I use web.config file and It's working fine and now my system path is "http://localhost:8083/auth"

    Issue is now it not load css and java-script to the page, here is my template codeing

            <?php  $base = Uri::base(false); ?>
            <?php echo \Asset::css('foundation/normalize.css'); ?>   
            <?php echo \Asset::css('foundation/foundation.css'); ?>   
    any Idea?
  • have you got something like error maybe ?
  • have you used a custom web.config, or the version included in the FuelPHP distribution?

    And what you mean by "system path" is what is in $base in your code snippet?
  • Hi
    I'm sorry It's not issue about FuelPHP, I made the mistake, I added new web.config to public folder this issue happen because of new web.config.

    I replace original web.config file and comment the  //'index_file'  => 'index.php', in config.php.

    Thanks viyancs and Harro Verton  and my issue was solved.
  • Cool. Happy coding!

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