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Validation which depends on other values
  • Lets say we have a model Model_Event with 2 fields: date_start and date_end.
    The start-date of an event shouldn't be before the end-date. Now I am trying to implement a validation for this situation:

    class Model_Event extends \Orm\Model {
    protected static $_properties = array(
    'date_start' => array(
    'data_type' => 'string',
    'label' => 'Start-Datum',
    'validation' => array(
    'form' => array( 'type' => 'date'),
    'date_end' => array(
    'data_type' => 'string',
    'label' => 'End-Datum',
    'validation' => array(
    'form' => array('type' => 'date'),
    public static function _validation_date_start($value) {


    public static function _validation_date_end($value) {
    } }
    The problem is, that in the _validation_date_end/_validation_date_start methods are static methods, so I have no access to the other value (and it wouldn't help since the other value could be modified as well).
    How can I write a validation for this situation?
  • You can access the current validation instance using

    $validation = \Validation::active();

    And using that you can retrieve a validation field object using

    $field = $validation->field('fieldname');

    You can then retrieve it's value using

    $value = $field->value;

  • That doesn't work.

    $validation = \Validation::active();
    $start = $validation->field('date_start');
    $end = $validation->field('date_end');

    Both values are null.

    But i think


    can do the job.

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I've never had this at hand, so I had to look in the class for possible solutions.

    In hindsight it seems logical that the fieldset doesn't contain the posted data.

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