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Pagination problem
  • I asked this in Stack but seems no one out there.any way.

    I'm working on a project with Fuel. I created a pagination , first page has data truly in it but when I click on other pages , uri changes but page never refresh and it doesn't show other pages. codes:

    code in Controller :

               $config = array(
    'pagination_url' => 'http://localhost/body-app/public/app/list/',
    'total_items' => 12,
    'per_page' => 3,
    'uri_segment' => 5,
    // or if you prefer pagination by query string
    //'uri_segment' => 'page',
    $pagination = Pagination::forge('mypagination', $config);

    $data['example_data'] = DB::select('*')
    $data['pagination'] = $pagination;

    and my foreach in View is something like this :

          <?php foreach($example_data as $per) { 

    echo $per['name'] ;
    } ?>

    and finally code to show pagination :

    <?php echo Pagination::instance('mypagination')->render();  ?>
  • I don't see anything immediately wrong.

    Load the page, the add a


    before your VIew in the confroller, and click on another page link.

    Is the contents of the pagination object correct? Did it query the correct records?
  • I did that. in the  first page again it retrieved right data but when I changed the uri nothing happened and same thing was showing and previous data also . (I have 6 record in database but it's only retrieving first 3 ones in every page in fact it doesn't refresh the only url changes)

    I had array of 'example _data' and pagination.Here is pagination:

    'pagination' => 
    protected 'config' =>
    array (size=12)
    'current_page' => null
    'offset' =>
    int 0
             'per_page' => 
    int 3
    'total_pages' => int 2
    'total_items' => int 6
    'num_links' => int 5
    'uri_segment' => int 5
    'show_first' => boolean false
    'show_last' => boolean false
    'pagination_url' => string 'http://localhost/body-app/public/app/list' (length=41)
    'link_offset' => float 0.5
    'calculated_page' => int 1
    protected 'template' =>
    array (size=25)
    'wrapper' => string '<div class="pagination">
    ' (length=46)
    'first' => string '<span class="first">
    ' (length=37)
    'first-marker' => string '&laquo;&laquo;' (length=14)
    'first-link' => string ' <a href="{uri}">{page}</a>
    ' (length=29)
    'first-inactive' => string '' (length=0)
    'first-inactive-link' => string '' (length=0)
    'previous' => string '<span class="previous">
    ' (length=40)
    'previous-marker' => string '&laquo;' (length=7)
    'previous-link' => string ' <a href="{uri}" rel="prev">{page}</a>
    ' (length=40)
    'previous-inactive' => string '<span class="previous-inactive">
    ' (length=49)
    'previous-inactive-link' => string ' <a href="#" rel="prev">{page}</a>
    ' (length=36)
    'regular' => string '<span>
    ' (length=23)
    'regular-link' => string ' <a href="{uri}">{page}</a>
    ' (length=29)
    'active' => string '<span class="active">
    ' (length=38)
    'active-link' => string ' <a href="#">{page}</a>
    ' (length=25)
    'next' => string '<span class="next">
    ' (length=36)
    'next-marker' => string '&raquo;' (length=7)
    'next-link' => string ' <a href="{uri}" rel="next">{page}</a>
    ' (length=40)
    'next-inactive' => string '<span class="next-inactive">
    ' (length=45)
    'next-inactive-link' => string ' <a href="#" rel="next">{page}</a>
    ' (length=36)
    'last' => string '<span class="last">
    ' (length=36)
    'last-marker' => string '&raquo;&raquo;' (length=14)
    'last-link' => string ' <a href="{uri}">{page}</a>
    ' (length=29)
    'last-inactive' => string '' (length=0)
    'last-inactive-link' => string '' (length=0)
    protected 'raw_results' =>
    array (size=0)

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I doesn't pick up the page number from the URI, which suggests the uri_segment value is wrong.

    uri segments aren't counted on the raw URL, the are counted on the internal URI which starts with the controller. So assuming your controller is App::action_list(), the uri_segment must be 3, not 5.
  • Thanks a lot that u always help people.
    yeah problem was with segment. firstly I changed that to 3 but it didn't work again cause it goes to :
    which is absolutley wrong , so I changed the value of uri_segment to:
           'uri_segment'    => 'list'

    and works now.
    when it value was 5 uri was like :

    but when changed that to string became :
    which is right one.
    seems it's better to use string type values when using uri_segment.

  • I depends.

    it should not be a problem using a segment number, I've never used anything else. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact you have both a folder name and "public" in the URL, which indicates some non-standard rewrite rules.

    I would have to test that to see what exactly the problem is.

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