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update RC2 error
  • Hi, As for some issues with the relational model (orm) I updated the "core" and "packages" folder.
    I wasn't sure if it needed to be with the "app" folder"... BUT when I checked the config file, I noticed that in the folder, you don't have the crypt file. this causes my common controller (which is my extend for all other controllers) to fail.
    any ideas? Regards
  • forgot to mention, the crypt file isn't located anywhere in the RC2. It is though in my folder.
    I just updated the core files and left my files intact, including the crypt file. It is as if the crypt file isn't made for the RC2 version. fyi: my website worked before the update :)
  • Did you read the docs? The config/crypt.php file is created if it doesn't exist. To be able to do so, your webserver needs write access to the application config folder (only once, to create this file). The reason for this is that we don't want to include default encryption keys (people tend to leave them like that, which is a security risk), and manually generating good random keys is quite complex.
  • Well I did read the documents, but what isn't mentioned is that you might need to delete the file when updating and refresh the page. That worked thanks!
  • You shouldn't. When the config/crypt.php is already present, the new encryption keys will be added to it. Your webserver needs write access on the file to do that though...
  • thanks alot... I just didnt think right!

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