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  • Hi guys, anybody tried to use Twig as template engine for Fuel.
    I was trying but I have to say that I haven't been lucky so far. started by trying to find the view ( a php file in fuel but a hmtl file in twig ) in core/classes/View::set_filename if (($path = \Fuel::find_file('views', $file, ".php", false, false)) === false) I replace .php by .html but I get a Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0 any ideas? I'm a bit lost here to be honest
  • If you use the last version of Fuel ( in development branch ) there are no errors. Tomorrow I have to work on some problems with Twig integration in Fuel Parser (template inheritance and template exceptions handler) ... after that I can share my complete Twig integration ( environment config, lexer config, cache, extensions ) @Jelmer how can I propose you my Twig integration for parser library improvement?
  • thanks guys. it worked. Used the parser with the develop branch of Fuel.

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