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Batch DB::insert
  • Is there a way to do a batch insert? What I mean is this:
    $data = array(200) {
        [0] => array(2) {
            ['id'] => 1,
            ['name'] => 'name 1'
        [1] => array(2) {
            ['id'] => 2,
            ['name'] => 'name 2'
    /* ... */
    DB::insert_batch('tbl', $data);

    This code should generate the following SQL:
    INSERT INTO `tbl` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'name 1'), (2, 'name 2'), ... (200, 'name 200');

    This would be so helpful... I don't know if this is MySQL specific but it would be helpful...
  • From what I can see in the code that is already supported by the Query Builder.

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