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How to Implement Pagination in MVC Architecture?
  • My situation is like... I have method in my model, that selects all articles from the database and then return them as an array. After that I save that array in new variable, then pass that variable to the view (this all happened from controller). In view I make a loop through array to display articles. I want to have pagination below my articles. What's the best way to do it using Pagination class? Where to put what?
  • I do it this way:
    public function action_index($current_page = 1)
     $config = array(
      'pagination_url' => \Uri::create('blog/home/'),
      'total_items' => Model_Article::count(),
      'per_page' => \Settings::get('blog.perpage'),
      'current_page' => (int) $current_page,
     $filters = array(
      'limit' => \Pagination::$per_page,
      'offset' => \Pagination::$offset
     $articles = Model_Article::get_all($filters);
     $data = array('articles' => $articles, 'pagination' => \Pagination::create_links());
     $this->response->body(\View::factory('home_view', $data));
    <div id="content">
     <?php foreach($articles as $article) : ?>
      <h3><?php echo $article['title']; ?></h3>
     <?php endforeach; ?>
     <div class="pagination">
      <?php echo $pagination; ?>
    </div><!-- #content -->
  • Oki-doki. Before I did all the pagination in the model.

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