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profiler replacement ?
  • anyone has any profiler replacement ? something like codeigniter i don't like fuel profiler at all
  • What's wrong with it? It gives you more profiling information than CI's profiler. And you can always extend or replace the Profiler class and write your own.
  • don't get me wrong the info it provides is ok, i have no problem with that is a problem of height i prefer to scroll to see the profiler data like in ci and not have the content covered
    ater i understand fuel i will try to write my own tools but for now i just asked if anyone has already something done so i won't reinvent [edit]
    as for profiling information i miss CONFIG VARIABLES and SESSION DATA and the ability to start the profiler based on page,session value, ip or whatever condition i wanted
    i tried to set the profiler to false and call Config::set('profiling',true); but i got a Fatal error: Class 'Console' not found
  • I agree that overlapping content can be annoying sometimes. Add a feature request on, so someone can have a look.

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