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Structure for admin modules
  • I'm really new to Fuel, coming from CI, so maybe this was asked before, but I couldn't find it. I have a modular app where the modules can have a frontend controller, but also the possibility for an admin controller.
    In CI I use HMVC, and some custom routes so that I can have this:
    modules/dashboard/controllers/dashboard_admin.php And then this controller is accessed through /admin/dashboard. Similar to the example from Phil Sturgeon in a blog post some time ago. I was able to achieve something like this in Fuel:
    modules/dashboard/classes/controller/admin.php But this would mean that all my admin controllers would be admin.php, and this just doesn't feel right, since I'm using a quick open function in my editor, and this way it's hard to find the admin controller I want, since all of them are called admin.php ;)
    The problem is with the underscores I guess, cause Fuel uses those for the folder structure. Does anyone have a best practice suggestion for something like this? How do you do it?
    I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks
  • I normally put admin sections, of any size, within a folder. /classes/controllers/blog.php
    /classes/controllers/admin/welcome.php (Dashboard)
    /classes/controllers/admin/blog.php So that would appear as
    /admin/blog You can, currently, only use one level of folders. See Controller in a subdirectory for more.
  • I think you didn't really understand my problem. I'm using modules so your example wouldn't work here. Thanks for the feedback anyway ;)
  • I do it this way: Routes:
    'admin'      => 'dashboard/admin/home',
    'admin/(:segment)/(:any)' => '$1/admin/$2',

    modules/dashboard/classes/controller/admin/home.php // site_url/admin
    modules/dashboard/classes/controller/admin/something.php // site_url/admin/dashboard/something
    modules/blog/classes/controller/admin/ea.php // site_url/admin/blog/ea/param

    I don't really like that many subfolders, but it's the best way I found.
  • Hm, this seems a little better, but is it even possible to create a structure like this:

    This way there would be 2 classes called Controller_Dashboard in the same namespace, so I guess it would throw an error.
    I don't know if you know how the quick open work in Coda. Let's say I want to work on the blog module of a huge project, and I don't wanna klick through the files manually, so I press ctrl+q, type blog, and I have 2 files there. blog.php and blog_admin.php. That's the way I have it setup in CI.
    I know this is not CI, but I think it would be good have a good solution for this, since almost all apps have an admin area, and it is much nicer to work with modules ;) Well I guess i could call the 2 controllers dashboard.php and dashboardadmin.php, but that just looks ugly. A shame you can't use underscores.
  • If I remember correctly I did mine like this...
                        > admin.php

    Then I can call the admin with "/dashboard/admin" Instead of something like "/dashboard/admin/dashboard"
    namespace Dashboard;
    class Controller_Admin_Admin ... {}
  • Why not simple:

    So you don't need the subfolder. But this isn't really what I'm looking for, since all my admin controllers would be admin.php, and I'm trying to avoid that.
  • You can use routing to route requests for
    'admin/(:any)'      => '$1/admin/???'
    ? Or whatever name you want for your admin controller?
  • Yes, but I need a subfolder then. Well I guess this is the best possible solution.


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