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How to work from the development branch?
  • During a pull request I made for Fuel, WanWizard was trying to help me get working on the development branch. It still doesn't appear to be working, so maybe someone can help me? On github, I fork "core".
    Then I execute these commands on my local machine:
    git clone
    cd fuelphp-core
    git remote add upstream git://
    git fetch upstream
    git checkout -b develop But the final response I recieve from git bash, is:
    "Switched to new branch 'develop" Which leaves me to believe, it just branched the 'master' so I would have my own 'develop' branch to work with, not switching to the fuel-develop branch. What am I missing here? When I run "git checkout -b develop", It doesn't look like the code changes, which is why I have the initial thought above.
  • This issue is probably that fuel works with git submodules, but a fork is not aware of that (you fork a single repo). Start with a fresh install from the Fuel repo:
    git clone --recursive git://

    Now you'll have swap the submodules you want to work on (core, docs, etc) for your own fork. There are two ways of doing that:
    The Q&D way is to delete the entire target directory (for example 'core') directory, and clone your fork of the corresponding repo. More work is to switch origins on the repo you have locally. explains how. Once your fork is cloned, make sure to switch it to the develop branch:
    cd fuel/core
    git checkout -b develop

    You can use 'git branch' to check if you're on the correct branch.
  • Anyone?
  • How to work on a forked project with git is not clear also for me.
    I've read Github Help but is not totally clear for me. If I'm working on my repo and during my work the forked project ( like official Fuel Core ) has some changes, what is the best way to update my repository with official changes without losing my job?? And after that how can I commit official changes to my repo maintaining commits authors? Sorry for the question but is important for me to understand this...
    And sorry for my english :-P

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