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Need help using the Upload Class
  • My requirement is to upload a PDF file to a specific location on the server. The PDF file will be selected using a file input field. I have created a view with a file input field and in the controller I have added the following code which gets fired when the form is submitted but the files array is displayed as empty. $files = Upload::get_files();
    print_r($files); I am new to fuelphp, therefore please give me some pointers on how to get this working.
  • You will need to process your uploaded files first, using Upload::process(). This will validate all uploads, and process all successful uploads according to the configuration. After that, you can call get_files() to get all valid files, and get_errors() to get all invalid files. Use save() to save all valid files to their final destination, depending on the configuration.
  • I have already tried using Upload::process but still the $files array shows up as empty. Upload::process(array(
    'path' => './uploads',
    'normalize' => true,
    'change_case' => 'lower'
    )); $files = Upload::get_files();
  • do you have the
    in the <form> tag?
  • Or errors in the processing? get_files() only returns the uploaded files that are valid, get_errors() the ones that are rejected.
  • I've added a usage example to the Upload docs (in the develop branch).
  • Chris P wrote on Thursday 23rd of June 2011:
    do you have the
    in the <form> tag?

    Thanks for all the help! The above did the trick for me! I am now able to upload the files without any issues.

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