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PDO exception
  • Hey everyone, I'm trying to use the PDO driver for enhanced security but cant query the database. I set the the static model properties but I always get the following exception regardless of what model i'm using. Fuel\Core\Database_Exception [ Error ]: invalid data source name. If I switch to mysqli there are no problems. Anyone else using the PDO driver and run into this?
  • The message to me is very clear: your DSN is wrong. So check your config/db.php and correct the error in the DSN.
  • The DSN variable is null when the connection is trying to be made on
    I can enter the params manually like $this->_connection = new \PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=fuel_dev", $username, $password, $attrs); and it will make a connection, but there is no explicit dsn param in the config/db.php file
  • You can just add the 'dsn' parameter to the config array, instead of hostname and port. I'm afraid the example is MySQL only, I'll add it to the docs.

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