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Is Fuel proper for me?
  • Hi, I've just started to develop my web application (my great CMS [smile]). I don't expect it to become complex portal system but I decided to follow best practices and use best tools available from very start.
    I'm just a student not some professional programmer so I treat it like some kind of training and opportunity to gain some developer skills. And who knows if my CMS will be good maybe I release it [smile]
    I've already wrote some code using CodeIgniter but its views system didn't satisfied me so I implemented joomla-like templates (the main goal was to create stand-alone templates with own language files so app could be customized easily) - I didn't added 'positions' because I found Fuel. So here is my question. Fuel is in beta stage atm. Do you (as experienced developers I guess [smile]) think I should use it? My plans are great: implement every (in my opinion) useful feature from best known CMS systems like joomla, drupal etc. Thanks in advance. @EDIT
    What's wrong with those smiles? I had to remove them cause they moved left :) [smile should be here]
  • Fuel is cool! We're in release candidate stage, which means no more API changes, only bugfixes (if any), completion of documentation, etc. And our public code repository will show you that we fix very fast. A lot of people already use Fuel for production applications (including all dev's), our lead dev's company even adopted Fuel as their main development framework. So yes, it is absolutely ready to be used. And if you need help, you can always ask questions here, or discuss with our community on our IRC channel #fuelphp (
  • Another day with playing Fuel is behind me. Today I've been trying to create package from Smarty parser - I wasn't able to do it. Whatever I did I got the same errors:
    ErrorException [ Compile Error ]: Cannot redeclare class Test
    ErrorException [ Error ]: Class 'Test' not found I created simple package to see what I'm doing wrong (auto loaded in config):
    'Test\\Test' => __DIR__.'/classes/test.php',
    )); test/classes/test.php:
    class Test {} and controller:
    public function action_test()
    $test = new Test;
    echo 'test';
    } It's quite frustrating, in CI I was able to implement every tool I wanted. Now I need to look at documentation every 5 minutes ;)
    What am I doing wrong?
  • Take a look on Fuel Parser package :
  • I'd imagine you'd have to consult the docs with any new framework you started... Fuel is not CI, and CI is not Fuel... different tools for different jobs.
  • Thanks, it's always some start point.
    Do you know what may cause 'Could not redefine class' error? My test package was extremely simple but it's still not working. I had that problem with toolkit written in PHP 5.2 (no namespaces etc.). Toolkit had one main class which when included in clean php should include the rest of classes automatically. It doesn't worked in Fuel so I loaded every class from bootstrapp.php.
    And again I got 'Could not redefine class' :/ Later I added namespaces to toolkit and compress it to .pchar - this caused some strange errors which I can't really remember. I think it was browser error: 'did not received any information from the server'. File and class names are wrong when we look at Fuel's coding standards:
    PREFIX_Database in PREFIX_Database.php
    PREFIX_DatabaseRow in PREFIX_Database.php
    Frank Bardon wrote on Wednesday 29th of June 2011:
    I'd imagine you'd have to consult the docs with any new framework you started... Fuel is not CI, and CI is not Fuel... different tools for different jobs.
    You're right, that was stupid :D but still it can be irritating.
  • I find Fuel to be much more intuitive than CI myself. But since I came over from other frameworks and never encountered one that functioned exactly as Fuel does it took me a while to grasp the core concepts. Once you get past that hurdle it's easy sailing. :)

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