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Status of email class
  • I understand that parts of the Email class taken from CodeIgniter can't be used due to license conflicts. Does anyone know the status of the Email class? In particular: 1. Does the email class presently work at least for testing purposes?
    2. Any idea if and when the email class will be replaced?
    3. If the email class is replaced, will the interface stay the same? I'm trying to decide whether to spend much time coming up with either a temporary or permanent solution.
  • 1. Yes.
    2. I saw Jelmer started a feature/email branch, and created the driver framework, but no drivers yet.
    3. My guess: probably not. When the last point is an issue, you can always opt to take the last available version of the Email class and the drivers out of develop, and move them to your application. Your code will then site use that as app is used before core (you do need to add them to the app bootstrap). This is perfectly fine, the code has an open source license. Point is that our MIT licence is less restrictive then CI's GPL license, so we can't use it for inclusion in Fuel without violating the license.

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