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Modules and default controllers
  • I'm having some issues with getting modules to load via their _root_ For example, let's say I have the module "testing". This module contains a routes configuration that says:
    return array(
     '_root_'  => 'dashboard/index',  // The default route
     '_404_'   => 'dashboard/404',    // The main 404 route

    When I visit -- everything works fine. But when I visit , the default route for that module is not loaded. Am I doing something wrong here?
  • So more or less, there's no way to make "testing" run completely out of the module? The only other solutions I can think of are: - Routing it from the application
    - Creating a separate controller from within the application that redirects to testing/dashboard All of which require application modification, rather than module-only.
  • Not sure if this helps, but I've had success using the following in APPPATH/modules/testing/config/routes.php.
    return array(
      'testing' => array('testing/dashboard/index', 'name' => 'testing'),
  • That ALMOST works. But the problem now, is that = good != good So I lost the other side :P
  • Afaik there is no per-module default root or 404 route supported. Those routes are global and not used as part of the routing process. _root_ is only used if there are no URI segments present (which is always the case when referring to a module. _404_ only if no route can be matched. I'm not sure if you would specify 'testing/does/not/exist', if the global or the module 404 would be used (would be interesting to document this). I think if you only specify the module name in the URI, it will look for a controller with the same name as the module. So 'testing' will become 'testing/testing/index'.
  • Basically, I'm just trying to run a sub-application that utilizes a lot of the primary application. So it would run the same way as if I had fuel installed in a /testing/ directory, and the _root_ would be pulled up as the default controller. When looking at , it says that a routes configuration can be placed in each module So when I utilize the module "testing", wouldn't utilize that route configuration?
  • Because the router only uses _root_ if there are no URI segments present (= when you actually do request the server root). When you request, you're not requesting the root, you have one URI segment, 'testing'.

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