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Underscores in table names
  • If you ask Oil to generate a scaffold for a table with underscores, it creates subdirectories.
    For example if I have a table "orders" and then later I have one called "order_details" (just an example), and I do oil g scaffold -f order_details ... ... then Oil makes subdirectories controllers/order/ and models/order and puts the generated files there. I like to use underscores in table names in my schema to indicate obvious foreign-key relationships so this is going to happen a lot if I use oil's default behavior, I will get a lot of subfolders in the controller and models - most with just one file in them. Interestingly when it comes to views, it creates a sub-directory "views/order_details" instead of a hierarchy like "view/order/details/". Anyway, should I: a) Stick with the default behavior and get used to it because this hierarchical storage of files is good for me, or
    b) Manually move things around after scaffolding, to have a more flat organization of the files, or
    c) Use table names like "orderdetails" instead of "order_details" so that Oil doesn't create subdirectories in the model & controller areas? Thanks for any opinions/advice!
  • Bump! I have this exact same question. Additionally, regarding the OP's question B, will it break anything in Fuel to move/rename files like that? Thanks in advance for any help or advice!
  • In FuelPHP, an underscore in a name indicates a directory separator in the path, this is how the cascading filesystem and the autoloader work. Instead of moving files around it might be a better option to use a dummy tablename so that everything else is named correctly, and afterwards change the table name in the generated model and migration.
  • It is a bit annoying operation, but the following would be a help for you!

    Thought quite a while since the first post, I hope this would help someone who has just started learning fuelPHP like me.

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