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Security fetch_token() vs js_fetch_token()?
  • Hi, I was just wondering the differences between fetch_token() and js_fetch_token() and if anyone could fill me in? I am having a guess that both functions would produce the same CSRF token? So I am a little confused as js_fetch_token() says it is for ajax operations in docs, but after the ajax operation the token would need updating with a separate ajax operation or function to set the current token for each form submit using ajax. Thanks
  • Have you tried them both and taken a look at the output? Probably would have taken you less time than it took you to write up this post.
  • Thanks for the reply very helpful by the way. Due to being stuck in public transport with no laptop and bored to hell, I thought I'd read through the docs and ask about the differences. Guess I know not to ask people who write the stuff and just waste time playing like a retard trying to fcuk a door knob. Thanks again!

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