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Extending simpleauth login function
  • I'm extended the login function on simpleauth class and placed the file inside classes/auth/login/ then added it to the bootstrap When I call the \Auth::instance()->login($val->validated('username'), $val->validated('password')) for some reason the $this->user object returned is not what I expected. It returns the simpleauth user object when it should be returning an object with more data because of the table join. I know the extended method is getting called because I can echo a message from the extended login function and it's getting displayed on the screen. (by returning false) what am i doing wrong? please help. Many thanks.
  • classes/auth/login/driver tells you exactly which methods are abstract and have to be defined in your driver.
  • Harro Verton wrote on Friday 3rd of February 2012:
    classes/auth/login/driver tells you exactly which methods are abstract and have to be defined in your driver.

    Thanks WanWizard
  • Looks like you also have to extend the perform_check() method as well.

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