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Access denied page
  • Hi everyone ... I wonder if you can define access denied page ... like a 404 page.

    Hola a todos ...quisiera saber si es posible definir una página de acceso denegado ...como si fuera una página 404.
  • Access denied is usually application specific, so it's functionality is not build into the Framework. But you can easily add it, similar to how 404 is handled. Create a HttpAccessDeniedException class, and always load that so it's available everywhere. You can then throw this exception when you encounter an access denied situation. You can use the parameter to pass a message to the exception if needed. Then in your public/index.php, catch the exception and handle it, either by launching a request for a 403 controller, or simply create a response object using a view.
  • Hi ...this is my solution!!! I created a new class in fuel/apps/classes/lib/httpaccessdeniedexception.php and and always load that so it's available everywhere ...this is a code.
    class Lib_HttpAccessDeniedException extends FuelException {
        public function handle() {
            $response = new \Response(\View::forge('403'), 403);
        public function __construct($message, $code = 0) {
            parent::__construct($message, $code);
        public function __toString() {
            return __CLASS__ . ": [{$this->code}]: {$this->message}\n";
        public static function _init() {
        public static function show_403() {
            logger(\Fuel::L_WARNING, 'This method is deprecated.  Please use a HttpAccessDeniedException instead.', __METHOD__);
            $error = 'Access Denied';
            throw new Lib_HttpAccessDeniedException($error);

    modify a public/index.php file
    // Generate the request, execute it and send the output.
    try {
        $response = Request::forge()->execute()->response();
    } catch (HttpNotFoundException $e) {
        $route = array_key_exists('_404_', Router::$routes) ? Router::$routes['_404_']->translation : Config::get('routes._404_');
        if ($route) {
            $response = Request::forge($route)->execute()->response();
        } else {
            throw $e;
    } catch (\Lib_HttpAccessDeniedException $e) {
        $route = array_key_exists('_403_', Router::$routes) ? Router::$routes['_403_']->translation : Config::get('routes._403_');
        if ($route) {
            $response = Request::forge($route)->execute()->response();
        } else {
            throw $e;

    modify a config/router.php and add this.
    '_403_' => 'welcome/403', // The main 403 route

    how to use?
    if(!Auth::has_access("$class_name.$action") && Auth::check()) {
  • I would say
    if (!Auth::has_access("$class_name.$action") && Auth::check())
        throw new Lib_HttpAccessDeniedException();
    instead of calling the deprecated method? And I don't think that Auth::check() is needed. If not logged in, has_access() will return false anyway.
  • when running Lib_HttpAccessDeniedException :: show_403 (); is almost the same as Request :: show_404 (); Auth :: check () is necessary because when I run the view admin / login should be allow the entry.
  • Request::show_404() is deprecated and will be removed in v1.2, which is due in the next couple of weeks.

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