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  • Hi! I am trying to use Smarty through Parser package. I copied /packages/parser/config/parser.php to /app/config/parser.php and edited it, but the modifications are not used. If I modify the original file it works. Any idea why? Thanks!
  • mmmmmm ... it works for me ( I've tried to enable the caching ). Which configurations have you tried?
  • Are these issues ready for bug tracker? I don't want to post them there because I am just learning... so it could be my fault. I would appreciate some comments. I found two other things: 2) Smarty "section" only works with arrays that are sequential (keys: 0, 1, ...). Orm\Model::find('all') however doesn't return such arrays.
    For instance:
    class Controller_Post extends Controller_Template {
     public function action_index()
      $this->template->content = View::factory('posts/index.smarty', array(
                      'posts'=>Model_Post::find('all'), // doesn't work!
                      //'posts'=>array_values(Model_Post::find('all')), // works ok.
    // Smarty code:
      {section name=i loop=$posts}

    I can of course subclass Orm\Model, but would rather see it solved upstream. Is such fix sensible or is there a reason for keys that don't start with 0? (are they IDs?) 2) I had 1.0.1 at first and used scaffolding to create form "posts". I added a few records with titles "test<b>123</b>" for instance. Output filtering worked and it was displayed with < (correct).
    Then I upgraded to latest dev version and copied app/ over. However, now the titles display partially bold even though output filtering should be used!
    (Note: I am not using Smarty templates here, just normal views) I am still learning and it's difficult for me to tell what is a bug and what not... I would appreciate some hints.
  • Davide Bellini wrote on Thursday 8th of September 2011:
    Which configurations have you tried?
    I tried setting left and right delimiters (I prefer '{{' and '}}' so it doesn't interfere with JavaScript functions). This is my app/config/parser.php:
    return array(
     'extensions' => array(
      'php'       => 'View',
    //  'smarty'    => 'View_Smarty', // we want .tpl, not .smarty
      'tpl'      => array('class' => 'View_Smarty', 'extension' => 'tpl'),
     'View_Smarty'   => array(
      'include'       => APPPATH.'vendor'.DS.'Smarty'.DS.'libs'.DS.'Smarty.class.php',
      'delimiters'    => array('{{', '}}'),
      'environment'   => array(
       'compile_dir'       => APPPATH.'tmp'.DS.'Smarty'.DS.'templates_c'.DS,
       'config_dir'        => APPPATH.'tmp'.DS.'Smarty'.DS.'configs'.DS,
       'cache_dir'         => APPPATH.'cache'.DS.'Smarty'.DS,
       'caching'           => false,
       'cache_lifetime'    => 0,
       'force_compile'     => true, // debug!
       'compile_check'     => true,
       'debugging'         => false,
       'autoload_filters'  => array(),
       'default_modifiers' => array(),

    The delimiters are ignored in above example. If I change them in packages/parser/config/parser.php however, they are used.
  • Found the bug:
    // packages/parser/config/parser.php:
      'delimiters'    => array('{%', '%}'),
    // app/config/parser.php
      'delimiters'    => array('{{', '}}'),
    // controller:
    // output:
    array(4) { 
      [0]=>  string(2) "{%" 
      [1]=>  string(2) "%}" 
      [2]=>  string(2) "{{" 
      [3]=>  string(2) "}}" 

    It merges the array instead of replacing the values! I guess this is a bug, but is it Config or Parser bug? A different config style would solve this issue:
    // config/parser.php:
      'delimiters'    => array( 'left' => '{', 'right' => '}' ),
  • Unfortunately I don't use Orm so much ... but, at first impression, it can be a Smarty bug with objects ( but I'm not sure ). I've tried to use :
    $view->test = Model_Test::find('all'); // Orm
    $view->test1 = \DB::select()->from('test')->execute(); // Fuel DB Class

    With Smarty I get some errors but with Twig all works fine. Instead if I use arrays Smarty works :
    // Fuel Db Class
    $view->test1 = \DB::select()->from('test')->execute()->as_array();

    Can you check in Smarty forum if that cas be a bug or not?
    I had 1.0.1 at first and used scaffolding to create form "posts". I added a few records with titles "test<b>123</b>" for instance. Output filtering worked and it was displayed with < (correct).
    Then I upgraded to latest dev version and copied app/ over. However, now the titles display partially bold even though output filtering should be used!
    (Note: I am not using Smarty templates here, just normal views)

    Have you checked app/config/config.php for "Security settings"? Check "auto_encode_view_data".
  • Mmmm, I think it's a Parser bug.
  • Davide, thanks for helping me! :) 2) It's not a bug, it's a feature. ;)
    Smarty sections are a bit picky about the arrays. They must have arrays with incrementing numeric keys (array_values() returns such). As I said, I can help myself, but it is nicer if we can remove the "mines". 3) This is what it says:
    'auto_encode_view_data' => true,
    I have copied app/config/config.php from 1.0.1 installation.
    Does Parser take over normal Views too, could this be the reason for change?
  • @andy have your tried to use the View::forge() third parameter to force the auto_encode ( set to true )? Are you using the Fuel 1.1 dev now, right?
  • 3) Yes and yes. :)
    Ok, I debugged and this is also a bug. In app/config/config.php there should be another var:
      // inside 'security':
      'output_filter'   => array('htmlentities'),

    It would be even better to have some default sensible value (the same as in 1.0.1?) if it's not specified.
  • But have you copied and replaced all 1.1 config contents with the 1.0 config?? The config file content is different between this 2 versions.
    In 1.1, for security array, the output_filter use "'output_filter' => array('Security::htmlentities'),"
  • Argh. You are correct, of course. It looks like I downloaded 1.1 core and 1.0 fuel. :( I can't find a way to checkout the 1.1/develop from Github, how do I do that? I am more of a Mercurial fan myself... :) Sorry for false alarm. EDIT: figured it out:
    $ git clone -b 1.1/develop Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it! :)
  • Andrew Black wrote on Thursday 8th of September 2011:
    Found the bug:
    // packages/parser/config/parser.php:
      'delimiters'    => array('&#123;%', '%}'),
    // app/config/parser.php
      'delimiters'    => array('&#123;&#123;', '}}'),
    // controller:
    // output:
    array(4) &#123; 
      [0]=>  string(2) "&#123;%" 
      [1]=>  string(2) "%}" 
      [2]=>  string(2) "&#123;&#123;" 
      [3]=>  string(2) "}}" 

    It merges the array instead of replacing the values! I guess this is a bug, but is it Config or Parser bug? A different config style would solve this issue:
    // config/parser.php:
      'delimiters'    => array( 'left' => '&#123;', 'right' => '}' ),

    Also with 1.1 right config there's already this problem.
    Can you open an issue on Github?
  • I also submitted an issue for output_filter: . I noticed only by chance that there is something wrong after the upgrade and the issue could lead to security vulnerabilities.

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