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Current Roadmap for 1.1
  • Is this ('Ready' items) already in FuelPHP 1.1 ? If not, then when will they be, since they are 'Ready' ? And if they are, then when can we expect Roadmap for 1.2 ?
  • OK, Thanks for clearing this up :)
  • and roadmap is now 2.0 : lot of changes... but what is the most important: the direction seems to be right :)
  • Yes. There is no real roadmap for 1.2. We're working on the basics of 2.0. I agree we need to update the roadmap for that. Whether the next one will be 1.2 or 2.0 (or even 1.1.1) will depend on the progress in development. If we have new features ready before 2.0, a 1.2 release is likely.

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