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Sessions across subdomains
  • The app I'm working on has dynamic subdomains and I need my simpleauth login session to be available across any subdomain as well as the main domain (without a subdomain). I tried setting my cookie_name to '' and also tried using db sessions, but neither have worked for me. Anyone have any ideas? Chris
  • "Problem" resolved - I was only setting the session config and not the cookie config in the main config file.
  • Hi I have the same problem cearis. Can you please explain more in detail how you solved this issue? I have default cookie settings in my config.php:

         * Cookie settings
        'cookie' => array(
            // Number of seconds before the cookie expires
            'expiration'  => 0,
            // Restrict the path that the cookie is available to
            'path'        => '/',
            // Restrict the domain that the cookie is available to
            'domain'      => null,
            // Only transmit cookies over secure connections
            'secure'      => false,
            // Only transmit cookies over HTTP, disabling Javascript access
            'http_only'   => false,

  • If you have subdomains (like and, you need to set the 'domain' to "", so your domain name plus a leading dot.

    If not set it defaults to hostname.

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