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Using Oil to sniff a database table schema to build scaffolding?
  • I'm very new to Fuel, still learning stuff as I go but I'm confused by something. In the tutorials and the slideshare and videos, you do something like this; <code>
    php oil g scaffold blog name:string
    </code> You create the structure in the terminal, but what happens if you already have a database table? I really don't want to be typing out my structure/schema long-handed in terminal. Is it possible for me to use Oil to generate a scaffold on a database table without doing the whole name:string or typing the schema by long-hand? I've tried this, <code>
    php oil g scaffold blog
    </code> In the hope it would pick up the database structure and build my scaffolding for me, but I always end up with blank views, and I have to end up editing the controllers and views manually. If I change the migrations file, this is one way to do it I guess; but I still have to manually type out the tables schema/structure. Does this feature exist, and if so what is the best way to achieve this goal? Thanks
  • According to this feature is not currently supported. But I am still interested in how the more seasoned Fuel developers get around this issue? Especially when you need to whip up something fast, like a prototype or something.
  • I'm pretty sure someone has already made a package for this, check the "tips" or the "code share" forums...
  • can you give me direct link for package??
    thanks before

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