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Crypt Hash
  • When working with the oil console, auth can't hash a password because of a missing Crypt_Hash. Is this a Fuel class or something is missing from my PHP installation?
  • Rostislav Raykov wrote on Friday 15th of April 2011:
    When working with the oil console, auth can't hash a password because of a missing Crypt_Hash. Is this a Fuel class or something is missing from my PHP installation?

    hey, usually if you use php from browser, and use php from cli, there are two different php.ini files used...
    Most often they are somwehre in: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and /etc/php5/cli/php.ini So I think it should php php setup issue...
  • Sorry for my late reply. Unfortunately, I made a quick test controller and the issue is presented when opened with a browser and from the cli. Is this class a php module I'm missing? This is a default PHP install of Mac OS X.
  • What Fuel code revision are you using? Do you have phpseclib in fuel/core/vendor?
  • I just updated the submodules and saw the inclusion of the library in the vendors folder.
    Thanks for the help.

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