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Can't delete ORM object
  • I have an class Model_Child which I made with Fuel's scaffolding. It works well, but when I try to delete it from a function in another class, the record remains in the database. Here's what that function looks like (sort of; function and class names renamed to protect the innocent): public function cool_function_bro($phone) {
    $parent = Mode_Parent::find_by_phone($phone);
    $children = $parent->get_children(); // custom function, not part of ORM foreach ($children as $child) {
    try {
    Model_Child::banaphone_call(array('phone' => $phone'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    } $child->delete();
    } $parent->delete();
    } When this is ran, the children records are all deleted from the database successfully, but the parent record remains. I did not explicitly define a parent/child relation in either model definition or their respective tables, so I figured this wouldn't be a cascading deletion issue. Is there something I'm missing?
  • The function is being called in a form post, not sure how to get the profiler to show it; Oddly enough as soon as I checked on the results in the database, the record was removed as designed. Not sure what happened but it's working now.
  • If $parent is an ORM model object, I don't see why that shouldn't work. Enable the profiler, enable db profiling, and see what SQL is generated. The DELETE should be there...

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