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Many to Many Cascade Delete Ignored
  • Hey guys - another ORM question.
    I have three models: Inventory_import
    Inventory_equipment I have a table for each, and a many to many table for associating inventory_main with inventory_equipment.
    However, what I am doing is importing new inventory into Inventory_import, then copying it ove to Inventory_main. They share the same association. The only difference in the ORM is that I have cascade delete set to false for import so it doesn't remove the equipment when I delete the import records. However, this is being ignored.
    $existing = Model_Inventory_Import::find('all');
    foreach($existing as $ex)

    The many to many looks like this for Inventory_Import:
         protected static $_many_many = array(
         'equipment' => array(
             'key_from' => 'vin',
             'key_through_from' => 'vehicle_vin',
             'table_through' => 'inventory_equipment_association', 
             'key_through_to' => 'equipment_id',
             'model_to' => 'Model_Inventory_Equipment',
             'key_to' => 'equipment_id',
             'cascade_save' => true,
             'cascade_delete' => false,

    Any ideas as to why it's still deleting the equipment when I delete the Import records?
  • I'll try, hope wthis will work : ). The documentation says that "Specifies a many-to-many relationship to another model. The target model will have the same type of relationship in the other direction. ". Can you check this?
  • Yes, I've tried setting it up various ways. Right now it works like this:
    protected static $_many_many = array(
         'vehicles' => array(
             'key_from' => 'equipment_id',
             'key_through_from' => 'equipment_id',
             'table_through' => 'inventory_equipment_association', 
             'key_through_to' => 'vehicle_vin',
             'model_to' => 'Model_Inventory_Main',
             'key_to' => 'vin',
             'cascade_save' => true,
             'cascade_delete' => false,
         'vehicles2' => array(
       'key_from' => 'equipment_id',
             'key_through_from' => 'equipment_id',
             'table_through' => 'inventory_equipment_association', 
             'key_through_to' => 'vehicle_vin',
             'model_to' => 'Model_Inventory_Import',
             'key_to' => 'vin',
             'cascade_save' => true,
             'cascade_delete' => false,

    I also tried finding and deleting all records from Model_Inventory_Main, which also cascade deleted all records, which is what it is supposed to do.

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