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Primary Key as Foreign Key too Has_One relationships problem
  • Models: My 'users_settings' table has a primary key ('user_id') which is also a foreign key that references the 'users' autoincremented primary key ('user_id') The following code :
    $user->name = 'blabla';
    $user->settings = new \Model\UserSettings();
    $user->name = 'blabla';
    $user->settings = new \Model\UserSettings();
    results in an insert statement where the 'user_settings' user_id is not set, and causes a not null constraint check error. Is it normal ? Has the ORM been designed with the fact that each table should have its own autoincrement primary key ?
  • Oh it's normal...
    See: Since my database relations are simple and I don't really want to redesign my database by removing composite primary keys and PK as FK (like above) so I'll give up the ORM and use the Model_Crud instead.

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