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new user, fresh install, need help
  • hi, I have altered the welcome controller to split up the view into a layout with header and content vars. Mod the controller action_index:
    public function action_index()
         $view = View::factory('layout');
         $view->head = View::factory('header');
         $view->content = View::factory('welcome/index');
         $this->output = $view;
    Now the browser output is blank with no errors and no source code. What am i doing wrong?
  • Hi, Presuming layout exists in views are you echoing $head and $content in your view?
    <?php echo $head; ?>
    <?php echo $content; ?>

  • hi this is my layout code: <html>
    <?php echo $head; ?>
    <?php echo $content; ?>
  • hi, create a new controller called Controller_Test (under app/controllers/test.php) as such:
    class Controller_Test extends Controller_Template {
         // This will make your template file views/template/someview.php
         public $template = 'template/someview';
        public function action_index()
              // File under views/partials/header.php
              $this->template->header = View::factory('partials/header');
              $this->template->footer = 'this is a footer string, could also be a view file';

    create a view called someview.php and put it under views/template/someview.php
         <title>My first template</title>
        <div class="header">
       <div class="main">
           if you assigned a $main variable in your controller (i.e. $this->template->main = 'something' you could echo $main here. there is no limit to how many template properties you have you could have $this->template->roflmao_nerdburger = 'haha' in your view and just echo $roflmao_nerdburger here.
       <div class="footer">

    hope this gets you started. see here for more.
  • Using the template controller is one way. The problem with you current function is that it still uses $this->output which was removed for RC1 in favor of a response object. Now you change it like this:
    public function action_index()
         $view = View::factory('layout');
         $view->head = View::factory('header');
         $view->content = View::factory('welcome/index');
         $this->response->body = $view;

    Let us know if the manual still refers to $this->output somewhere, I thought we had gotten rid of those.
  • HI, Thanks for you suggestion, i will try tomorrow at work. Yep, manual still ref $this->output. Cheers,
  • yep this worked. $this->response->body = $view
  • oh whoops fully didn't even notice the $this->output!
  • Don't worry Ben neither did I :-D Phil.

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