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Trigger a method through oil and pass a variable
  • Hi, I have some problems with tasks under oil. I have to collect some files (.xml) from a folder, parse them, take the informations, insert them in a mysql database, and then move the files in an archive folder. If I do it through the browser, it works perfect, but I need to do this through oil. So, here is my code : <code>
    <?php namespace Fuel\Tasks; class Trigger
    { public static function run()
    //read all the XML files (only XML type)
    $opta_files = \File::read_dir( DOCROOT.'public/opta_archive', 0, array( '\.xml$' => 'file') ); if(isset($opta_files[0]))
    foreach ($opta_files as $opta_file)
    $file_name = basename($opta_file); $count = 1; while( file_exists(DOCROOT.'public/tmp_fantomic''YmdHms') . '_' . $count .'_'. $file_name) )
    } \File::rename(DOCROOT.'public/opta_archive'.DS.$file_name ,
    DOCROOT.'public/tmp_fantomic''YmdHms') . '_' . $count .'_'. $file_name);
    } //run a method (placed also inside the task file)
    \Response::redirect('trigger/run_method'); } public static function run_method()
    //read all the XML files (only XML type)
    $tmp_files = \File::read_dir( DOCROOT.'public/tmp_fantomic', 0, array( '\.xml$' => 'file') );
    { foreach ($tmp_files as $tmp_file)
    $file_name = basename($tmp_file, '.xml'); \Session::set('tmp_file', $tmp_file); //doesn't work :( //explode the name of the file
    $pieces = explode("-", $file_name); switch (end($pieces))
    case 'matchresults': /* How can i trigger a method and also pass a variable
    * Method name is : parse_match_events,
    * I want to pass this variable : $tmp_file
    */ $this->parse_venues($tmp_file); //DOESN'T WORK break; }
    } public static function parse_venues($tmp_file)
    echo $tmp_file;
    } }
    </code> My question is:
    After i trigger the method <quote>run_method</quote>, inside i execute some code, and then I have to trigger another method (named <quote>parse_venues</quote>, but to pass also a variable. Ho can I do that through oil ??? I was trying to set a Session variable, to hold the value I want to pass it, but when I read the Session isn't inside :( \Session::set('tmp_file', $tmp_file); >>> doesn't work Please help me, because I really don't know how to do it ! Thanks.
  • You're running a commandline PHP script, so there is no browser. Which means that things like Sessions, Reponses, redirects, etc, don't work. I don't see why calling another method in your class won't work. Altough you call it using $this while in a static context, so $this does not exist (there is no object). Use 'static::parse_venues($var)' instead. A task only has a single run method. If your task has multiple functions that need to be called individually from the commandline, you have to use parameters. Check core/tasks/session.php for an example on how that is done.
  • This is exactly what I need to know : 'static::parse_venues($var)' I didn't know hot to trigger another method from inside the run() method,
    and also to pass a value, to the new triggered method, in order to use it inside. Many thanks for your complete answer and also for the good response time.

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