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Sentry activation_hash/Password validation FAIL !
  • Hi my name is dustin. Currently i check the auth package "Sentry" which is very
    recommend to my requiremends. I use it as codebase. I mean i have found a big logical mistake by the author of Sentry. in file user.php line 915 - Method "check_password" The method has 2 input parameters. At first he grabs the salt of the activation_hesh. The salt is 16-Char long.
    Then he uses the salt and activation_hesh/password to build a new hash on the basis of the complete password/activation_hesh with an new random salt. This is very wrong and results that the password can be never matched.
      * Checks the given password to see if it matches the one in the database.
      * @param   string  Password to check
      * @param   string  Password type
      * @return  bool
     public function check_password($password, $field = 'password')
      // grabs the salt from the current password
      $salt = substr($this->user[$field], 0, 16);
      // hash the inputted password
      $password = $salt.$this->hash_password($password, $salt);
      // check to see if passwords match
      return $password == $this->user[$field];
    I have replaced it with:
      * Checks the given password to see if it matches the one in the database.
      * @param   string  Password to check
      * @param   string  Password type
      * @return  bool
     public function check_password($password, $field = 'password')
      // check to see if passwords match
      return $password === $this->user[$field];


    If you want to create a new user by
    $user = new Sentry\Sentry_User();
    $added = $user->create(array('email'=>'','password'=>'foobar'),$activation = true);
    $user -> add_to_group('test');
    and now add this member to a group thats dont work!!!
    The method 'add_to_group' in user.php need the filled 'user' variable which is loaded when you create a new instance with a id or email. But if you want to create a new user this 'user' variable is empty.
      * Create's a new user.  Returns user 'id'.
      * @param   array  User array for creation
      * @return  int
      * @throws  SentryUserException
     public function create(array $user, $activation = false)
       *  code shortened...
      if ($activation)
       if ($rows_affected > 0)
        // ***Pass the user information to the global user variable so other methods like 'add_to_group' can use this**//
        $this->user = $metadata;
        return array(
         'user_id'   => (int) $insert_id,
         'hash' => base64_encode($user[$this->login_column]).'/'.$hash
       return false;
      return ($rows_affected > 0) ? (int) $insert_id : false;
  • Sentry for FuelPHP is not actively maintained by the author anymore. If you found a bug and have fixed it, fork the repository on github, fix it there, and send the author a pull request. I'm pretty sure he will accept it, which allows other to benefit from your fix too...

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