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oil r migrate --packages=mypackage
  • I'm trying to make migration from my package. I've tried
    oil r migrate --all
    but it doesn't see migration file. If i try to do
    oil r migrate --packages=mypackage
    I got Error: Undefined variable: files in /home/wrk/dev.fuel/fuel/core/classes/migrate.php on 528.
    What's wrong?
  • problem solved with uncommenting line in APPPATH/config/config.php
    'package_paths' => array(
  • If you do that no packages can be loaded anymore. I'm sure that's not the intention. Looks like you're on an old version of Fuel, that had a bug in the migrate class. Make sure you're using 1.3.
  • [biggless@localhost dev.fuel]$ oil -v
    Fuel: 1.3

    Packages loading fine.
  • Just checked the code. Package::load() will restore that config if it is missing, and thats why your packages still load fine. In migrate, I see that there's a race condition, when a package name is given but it can't be found $files is undefined. You get this if you give a package name that does not exist, or if package_paths is defined in the config, but empty. I've commited a fix for it (to 1.4/develop).

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