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ORM. many-many-many relationship.
  • How to implement many-many-many relationship.
    Here synthetic example: User can upload many foto. User can mark another user on foto. One foto can contain many users. Many-many.
    User belong to one or many groups. Group can contain many users. Many-many.
    Group -> User -> Foto SQL for CREATE TABLE:
    CREATE TABLE user 
     id int, 
     name varchar(20)
    INSERT INTO user (id, name)
    (1, 'Alex C.'),
    (2, 'Max T.');
    CREATE TABLE group 
     id int, 
     name varchar(20)
    INSERT INTO group (id, name)
    (1, 'Admin'),
    (2, 'Moderator'),
    (3, 'User');
    CREATE TABLE foto 
     id int, 
     name varchar(20),
     filename varchar(50)
    INSERT INTO foto (id, name, filename)
    (1, 'My PC', 'my-pc-2012.jpg'),
    (2, 'Friends', 'P1000766.JPG'),
    (3, 'Friends Again', 'P1000767.JPG');
    CREATE TABLE group_user 
     group_id int, 
     user_id int
    INSERT INTO group_user (group_id, user_id)
    (1, 2),
    (2, 2),
    (3, 2),
    (1, 3);
    CREATE TABLE foto_user 
     foto_id int, 
     user_id int
    INSERT INTO foto_user (foto_id, user_id)
    (1, 1),
    (2, 2),
    (3, 2),
    (3, 1);
    We want show all admins fotos.
    Plain SQL:
    SELECT,,, foto.filename
    FROM group
    LEFT JOIN group_user ON ( = group_user.group_id)
    LEFT JOIN user ON ( = group_user.user_id)
    LEFT JOIN foto_user ON ( = foto_user.user_id)
    LEFT JOIN foto ON ( = foto_user.foto_id)
    WHERE = 1; | | | foto.filename
    Admin | Max T. | My PC | my-pc-2012.jpg
    Admin | Max T. | Friends Again | P1000767.JPG

    1.How get all admins fotos?
    2. What about SQL perfomance?
    3. Can somebody share their code with many-many-many relationship?
  • the ORM doesn't work this way, so if you want a result like in your plain SQL example, you will have to code your own query. The ORM (as the name implies) works object based. Create the models for each of the tables, and define the correct relations between them. How is documented in the manual (for example for a many to many relation). Once you've created the models you can do this
    // get the info
    $group = Model_Group::find()->related('user')->related('user.foto')->where('id', '=', 1)->get();
    // output some data
    echo $group->name;
    foreach ($group->user as $user)
        echo "Foto's of user:", $user->name;
        foreach($user->foto as $foto)
            echo "* ", $foto->name, $foto->filename;

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