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Github pull requests
  • I've extended the Asset class and the Uri class. In the Asset class I added a method to load files in other than the predefined folders (css, js, img) as I found this division very annoying when working with js packages like jquery-ui. In the Uri class I added two methods: without_params and without_action.
    The first one returns the url without the parameters. This come handy when implementing a function across different modules or controllers which have a differente uri segment lenght. Also may be useful on a later modification to the pagination class. The second does the same but also removing the action. This is useful when trying to know if different functions belongs to the same controller, eg: you have a menu item 'blog' which has to be 'active' on blog/item, blog/search, etc. Now, my problem is I want to commit this changes on Github, but it seems you can only have a pull request at once (and I've submitted one already). It's that right? am I doing something wrong? Best regards.
  • Create a branch for each change you make, and make sure each branches from the original Fuel develop branch so only one of your changes is included per branch. That way we can easily see which changes belong to your pull request. Because if you include a lot of unrelated changes we'll refuse the request out of hand because there's no way for us to vet the changes individually and accept/refuse individually. And if you do it like that you can make a pull request from each of your branches to develop. If you don't, all further commits will be shown with your original pull request and you'll create the mess I mentioned.
  • Thanks Jelmer,
    I'm used to work alone, so this git / svn / repository / etc are completely new for me.
    Trying to follow your directions give me a real headache, but I think I figured it out. Thanks again.
    Best regards.

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