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How to improve FuelPHP world.
  • Hi all,
    I've used FuelPHP for a year or so, and I have created some application - and I love all of them! I think FuelPHP is a great tool:
    - you have all the tools you need to create a very powerful application
    - you have amazing performance either with big database
    - framework is well documented and supported But... Is there something we / you can do do improve it? I think that other stuff related to FuelPHP aren't at the same level; for example this forum isn't so good. Why don't you think about improving the FuelPHP world? Two of the things I suggest are:
    - to improve forum functionality (for example, with Firefox 15 the formatting doesn't work!) and theme (it can be improved a lot)
    - create a "package" section, where logged user can vote / write something about all the packages in the fuel world.
    - ... something else ? I think this can be useful for old and new user. Thanks to all
  • We're working on the forum issue. It requires moving away from Pagodabox, and converting the current data to a new format. Give us a few more weeks. As for the rest, we're working on an application ( called "Fuel Depot" ) that will have all that: packages, docs, API browser, snippets and example code, a tutorial section, etc. It's on github, so if you want to help, please, because we haven't had a lot of time for it lately.
  • Thanks for the answer Harro, what I wrote isn't an attack to the team, but simply an analysis that I wrote because I love FuelPHP and I hope it will involve more people in the future.
    I know the "Depot" application, I copied the structure of the Hybryd Controller to manage ajax request in a project :-]. And what about a section on the site to describe / rate / list all the packages created for fuel?
  • It is in the planning to make that part of Depot, but other then the menu entry and the module folder nothing has been made yet. We had a nearly finished application about a year ago called Cells, we're going to use bits of that for the new site. Again, the biggest problem is time, which I don't have at the moment. So if you feel you can contribute to Depot, we would absolutely welcome that. I need all time available to work on the framework, so I can't do much myself.
  • Ok, I'll try to improve depot with some update, it will be an honor for me to help you (if I can!).
  • Wonderful! First hurdle will probably be to upgrade it to 1.4/develop, haven't even had time for that. I can see if I can do that later today so you don't have to.
  • Here in Rome I have 4 days of holiday, if you want leave it to me, so I can familiarize with the repository (I didn't use GitHub so much, at work we have private SVN repository). So I have to improve Depot using the 1.4/develop brash, wonderful :-]

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