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Setting a URL in assets_folder does not change the base url of the assets as specified
  • Hello guys, Here is the documentation that describes this feature: I would like to point out that setting the assets_folder in a theme.php configuration file does not change the base url of the assets instance within the themes instance. fuel/core/theme.php
      // Order of this addition is important, do not change this.
      $this->config = $config + $this->config;
      // define the default theme paths...
      // create a unique asset instance for this theme instance...
      $this->asset = \Asset::forge('theme_'.spl_object_hash($this), array('paths' => array()));

    The current code does not pass the assets_folder or anything through to $this->asset. fuel/core/asset.php
    public static function forge($name = 'default', array $config = array())
     static::$_instances[$name] = new \Asset_Instance(array_merge(static::$default_config, \Config::get('asset'), $config));

    It did not send any configuration about the assets_folder, nor anything else that would change the base_url of the assets folder. It seems that it needs the 'url' config key to change the asset base url... fuel/core/asset/instance.php
    protected $_asset_url = '/';
    public function __construct($config)
     $this->_asset_url = $config['url'];

    What could be the problem? Thanks
  • The Theme class determines the asset location by using "asset_base" and "asset_folder", when constructing the theme definition. This results into "asset_path", which is passed to the Asset instance in set_theme(), not when instantiating the object (because that that moment the active theme isn't known yet).

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