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missing good tutorials and up to date code
  • Ok, I've tried to use FuelPHP with help of nettuts tutorial "build an admin panel with the fuel php framework" but it's pain in the ass to folow that messy tutorial. 1. Why is there no code to download?
    2. Users did contribute to tutorial in their comments, but their "fixes" weren't applied to tutorial itself
    3. code doesn't work with latest version because at /posts/ you get error:
    Fuel\Core\Database_Exception [ Error ]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't0.slug' in 'field list' with query: "SELECT `t0`.`id` AS `t0_c0`, `t0`.`title` AS `t0_c1`, `t0`.`slug` AS `t0_c2`, `t0`.`summary` AS `t0_c3`, `t0`.`body` AS `t0_c4`, `t0`.`user_id` AS `t0_c5`, `t0`.`created_at` AS `t0_c6`, `t0`.`updated_at` AS `t0_c7` FROM `posts` AS `t0`"
    COREPATH/classes/database/pdo/connection.php @ line 175 4. bug in tutorial is that you need to use localhost/blog/post as URL. In tutorial it's used plural - postS which doesn't work (checked in controller to find it). For framework to get it to spread you need descend tutorials and up to date code and/or documentation. I'm coming from codeigniter and there are few good "packages" that get's your project driven.
    Like dashboard (register,login, user management, post management, front and back end separated...) This would really really help to get fuelphp to work on it's community.
    I could create dashboard with fuellphp but first I would like to get known with fuelphp and its packages but I can't, because of above reasons. P.S.
    code formatting (in posts) doesn't work in Opera.
  • I don't know. Ask the author of the tutorial?
  • For framework to get it to spread you need descend tutorials and up to date code and/or documentation.

    Actually for a framework to spread you're going to need to put in some hard work and effort. Trial and error. I am still learning Fuel and with the help of the developers on here I managed to get to a comfortable stage to do bits n bobs but because I'm learning Fuel I'm having to try and when it breaks, try to fix it, and then result to asking on forums, friends and looking at other code to get to grips. If you're a good enough developer then you probably won't need tutorials but the documentation, which is fantastic for FuelPHP then that's all you need. If you can't go from that then maybe PHP isn't for you.
    But FuelPHP team didn't make that tutorial so any questions ask the author like Harro said otherwise dive into the documentation and build some simple App :)
  • Philip Sturgeon wrote the tutorial, isn't he part of fuelphp ? 
  • He used to be.

    He got a new job, moved to New York, and doesn't have time for open source any more.

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