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DRY method of defining model columns and using UUIDs instead of auto_increment IDs
  • Hi,

    I've used cakePHP in the past and am exploring fuelPHP now. I'm still a noob so please excuse any dumb questions. I did a search on this but didn't find anything yet. 

    Question 1: Is there a DRY way to define columns for models? 

    I have status flags SOME of my tables in my database. Status of type tinyint(1) can hold a 1 or 0. I find myself defining status over and over again in my fuel model classes. I'm wondering if there is DRY way of handling this or if there is a design decision behind not handling this. 

    My initial idea was to extend the Orm w/ my own custom MyOrm and define it in the _properties member where i can set the default to 1. 

    Question 2: Can I use UUIDs for ID instead of autoincrement ID? 
    My database uses UUIDs (format like 5047b029-a7e0-4c57-83d4-493c77bd6c23) instead of auto-increment integers as IDs (like 1, 2, 3, etc). 

    I have created my own MyOrm class which extends  Orm and overwritten the __construct method to do this:

    public function __construct(array $data = array(), $new = true, $view = null)
    // clipped
    if ($new)
    $properties = $this->properties();
    foreach ($properties as $prop => $settings)
    if (array_key_exists($prop, $data))
    $this->_data[$prop] = $data[$prop];
    elseif (array_key_exists('default', $settings))
    $this->_data[$prop] = $settings['default'];
    /* my code start */
    elseif ($prop === 'id') 
    $this->_data['id'] = Utility::uuid();
    /* my code end */
    // clipped

    Is there a better way to do this? 

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I do exactly the same. I have an application where each table has a create, an update and a userid field. I just created a base model that extends Orm\Model, which defines these properties, and the observers needed to make them work.

    The Models themselfs then extend the base model.

    As to the UUID, I would use the same base model to extend the insert method, assign the UUID to $this->id if null, and call the parent method to insert the record. Much cleaner then doing it in the constructor, because the ORM expects an object in state 'new' not to have a PK.
  • What is best method for extending a base models properties in a mixin type manner?  Looking to do this same scenario, have id/created_at/updated_at/created_by/updated_by/assigned_to/deleted as "base" properties.

    In working prototype I created a base model extending Orm, then all other models extend base.  I extend the __construct method to merge the properties and observers between parent/child:

        public function __construct(array $data = array(), $new = true, $view = null)
            $class = get_class($this);
            $child_properties = $class::$_properties;
            $base_properties = self::$_properties;
            $class::$_properties = array_merge($base_properties, $child_properties);

                $child_observers = $class::$_observers;
                $base_observers = self::$_observers;
                $class::$_observers = array_merge($base_observers,$child_observers);
            parent::__construct($data, $new, $view);

    Seems like easiest way since the properties seem to be set and cached right away in the Orm model constructor.
  • All these properties are static, so do it in _init(), not in __construct(). It only needs to happen once, when the class is loaded.

    This is how I do it.

    Also, you'll have to make it a bit more foolproof, the extended class can define it's own properties and observers, array_merge() might overwrite existing definitions.
  • With using _init() how do you reference the child classes static properties to merge in?  In the __construct I can do get_class($this) in order to access, but with the static _init() $this doesnt exist, tried get_called_class() but was getting some weird errors.  What is method for getting the child class from within the static _init() call?

    On the second note regarding array_merge() usage, my intended behavior is to have the extension be additive or destructive with the model the child is extending and loading over, so no worries on overwriting.
  • You don't need the classname, you're in the class. So you can just use static (as in 'static::$properties') to access the class properties.

    I do exactly the same as you want here, and that works fine.

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