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Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
  • Hi,

    I've installe a new system Centos 6.3, then installed apache, git, php, mysql. I then followed both guides and whith each one when going to web pages I get Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0.

    Please help not sure where to go from here...

  • This is a very tricky to find issue.

    Most common cause for it is a fatal error or an exception in an object __destruct() method (the framework itself doesn't use those), or in a shutdown handler, or an exception in the exception handler.

    Errors should be logged in the webserver error log, so maybe you can start your search there.
  • Ok, resolved issue. It was because timezone wasn't set in php.ini. Shame the error didn't indicate that! Anyway that should save someone a few hours of searching online as there isn't much out there about this! 

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