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  • Is it just me, or am I missing some guidance on how to implement NinjAuth?

    I walked through the steps, and was able to get the http://<mysite>/auth/session/facebook part to work... it redirected me to fill out my profile, and I *think* I'm logged in.

    But from there... how do I get it to work? Do I just walk through the steps of implementing the standard auth package?

    There doesn't seem to be any follow-up documentation. Like... How do I logout? How do I get users to register? Etc...

    Thanks for any help!
  • If you're logged in you have a valid user account, and some session values to back that up.

    You can have a look at the code, it has rudimentary profile and registration methods.
  • So, side stepping the fact that getting the depot up and running is a total pain (missing dependencies etc) it doesn't actually look like the ninjauth package is even in there...  runlong? did you ever manage to get this working?

    I've been poking around the oauth options for a couple days now and I'm trying to find the right fit for my project.  I had the same problem with ninjauth: while the request comes back from facebook with a code, the documentation does not explain how the call to redeem that for an auth token gets made.  I'm trying to work through it right now, but also considering alternatives like  If anyone on the forums has a working example of both oauth server and 3rd party authentication, and has some pointers, I'd love to hear about it.

    Many thanks!
  • Currently it's kinda broken, yes. I've been busy with the upgrade to 1.6, but no time to finish it.

    Ninjauth is not in there, it's an external package that is pulled in using a git submodule reference. The problem seems to be that the reference is "", and Phil Sturgeon (the one behind happyninjas) seems to have deleted the git repo...

    I've got a copy locally, which I will push to fuel-packages tonight, and update the depot repo to use that instead. And give Phil a kickin'....
  • Cool, no problem & thanks for chiming in.  It'll be nice to have a working copy of the depot.
  • I've send Phil a message asking him to restore the repo. If he really binned it, I'll upload the version I have. But since I'm not sure it's the latest, let's wait until Phil replies.
  • Found it here, don't know if the one that was linked to the depot was further along or not.

  • It wasn't there when you reported the issue, so I guess he'd read my email. :-)

    I'll change the depot repot to use this one as a submodule reference.
  • Hey Haro, thanks for updating that.  There's another problem with composer.json

    > php composer.phar update
    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

      Problem 1
        - The requested package fuelphp/upload dev-master could not be found.

    Removing that from require seems to fix. 

    Is there a way to run migrations for all packages at once?

  • I'll have a look at that.

    You run all migrations at once using

    php oil refine migrate --all
  • Turns out the migration problem I was having was due to PKGPATH being commented out in fuel/core/config/config.php  Not sure why I had to do that, but Phil mentions it on the ninjauth git page.

    Thanks for all your help!

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