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ManyToMany relation - question with save/update
  • Hi,

    In first, sorry, i'm not very good for write in english...

    I use the relation "ManyToMany" : An "User" can have several "Category", and a "Category" can have several "User".

    The table for this relation is like (users_categorys) : "id", "id_user", "id_category"

    I have a form for create/update an User, in this form i use several "SELECT" input for add/remove "Category". I use js for add/remove "SELECT" from the DOM and their name is like : "categories[1], categories[2], etc..." the number is dynamic (count of "SELECT")

    In the controller i do this :

    $myUser->categories[] = array();  // I reset all relations
    foreach(Input::post('categories') as $postCategory) {
    $myUser->categories[] = Model_Category::find($postCategory);

    It's ok, that work. But ...

    If i create an User and add 2 categories to this user, the table is like :
    id id_user id_category
    1 1 1
    2 1 2

    And now, i want to update this User for edit other fields, but i keep his 2 categories, the table :
    id id_user id_category
    3 1 1
    4 1 2

    He delete 2 rows for add same rows. So he delete old relations for add new relation even if it's the same relation. 
    I think it's normal because i do : $myUser->categories = array();

    But it's not very optimized ? I right ?

    If yes, what is the best solution for my problem ? 
    Perhaps use the attribut "id" in the table "users_categorys", but how can i have access to this ?

    Thank's for read my post
    Good day !

  • Can you create an issue for this on, with a short description, and a link to this page? Then someone can have a look at it.
  • I don't think it's an issue, i think it's just a method.

    But it's work if i do :

    // Reset relations
    $myUser->categories = $myUser->categories;
    // Put relations
    foreach(Input::post('categories') as $postCategory) {
    $myUser->categories[$postCategory] = Model_Category::find($postCategory);

    U know what is the difference ?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The model keeps track of the related objects, and logs any disconnects through the __unset() magic method.

    When you just assign a new value, it will not call this method, so it doesn't know you want to delete those relations.

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