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ErrorException [ Error ]: Class 'Model\Search' not found
  • I moved from my localhost to my web host to test out the application, and everything works as expected but when i tried to use a model that i generated via oil, it throws that error, saying the class doesn't exist, when it does.

    The code i am using:

    use \Model\Search;

    class Controller_Search extends Controller_Template
    public function action_search()
    if ($_POST['Search']) {
    $name['communities'] = Search::query()->where('zip', '=', $_POST['Search'])->get();
    $name['count'] = count($name['communities']);
    $this->template->title = 'Search » Search';
    $name['canShow'] = true;
    $this->template->content = View::forge('search/search', $name);

    } else {
    $name['count'] = 0;
    $this->template->title = 'Search » Search';
    $name['canShow'] = false;
    $this->template->content = View::forge('search/search', $name);

    The question is, What is causing this? and how do i fix it??
  • Is it "Model\Search" or "Model_Search"? You seem to mix those two notations?
  • ohhh, would it just be Search::query.... since i'm caling the class?

    Now i seem to be getting an error about \Model\Search does not exist :(
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You're not coming from a Windows platform and going to a linux platform? If so, have you paid attention to the file naming conventions (all filenames MUST be lower case)?
  • ohhhhh. Yeah i was going to linux. I had absolutely no idea that they had to be lowercase. Thank you!

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